About the Union

"HayaQve" is a national civil union which goal is to prevent the capitulation of the Republic of Armenia, achieve the removal of the anti-national government in power, establish an effective new national government, and, through it, ensure Armenia's secure and stable development, as well as the re-Armenizationof Artsakh.

"HayaQve" as an initiative

"Hayaqve" was formed as the first civil legislative initiative in the history of independent Armenia, proposing to criminalize the recognition of Artsakh as part of another state on behalf of the Republic of Armenia and the denigration of the significance of the Armenian Genocide.
"Hayaqve" prepared a draft amending the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, according to which an official who recognizes Artsakh as part of another state on behalf of the Republic of Armenia and/or denigrates the significance of the Armenian Genocide will be punished with 10 to 15 years of imprisonment.
In a period even shorter than the designated timeframe, more than the required 50,000 signatures were collected—totaling 58,000 signatures from citizens of the Republic of Armenia. As a result, this proposal was discussed in the National Assembly of Armenia with the force of law. However, the ruling political majority blatantly violated the legislative initiative proposed by tens of thousands of Armenian citizens and did not even include it in the agenda of the National Assembly’s plenary sessions.

"Hayaqve" today

Today, "Hayaqve" is engaged in shaping a new political agenda as a radical alternative to the current regime's course. The executive governing body of the "Hayakve" union is the board, which consists of nine members and is elected by the council for a one-year term.
The union's council makes all decisions related to strategic development and elects the board members and coordinator. The main operational structures of the "Hayakve" union are sectoral and program-based committees, as well as territorial structures in Yerevan and the regions of the Republic of Armenia.

The principles of the "HayaQve" union are

Armenian-centeredness: Understanding the collective Armenian interest, free from foreign influences.
Systematic approach: A comprehensive and multi-dimensional understanding of problems, with continuous development.
Creative spirit: Striving for innovative solutions to problems and continuous improvement of results.
Pragmatism: A cold, fact-based understanding of reality and the ability to manage one's emotions.
Rationality: Justifying one's positions with facts, calculations, and logic.
Rationality: Justifying one's positions with facts, calculations, and logic.
Efficiency: Effective time management and quick adaptation to new technologies.
Efficiency: Effective time management and quick adaptation to new technologies.
Tolerance: Politeness, willingness to listen to others' opinions, and the ability to integrate them with one's own.
Honesty: Consistency between words and actions, transparency of information, and rejection of double agendas.
Trust: Valuing and supporting colleagues while rejecting intrigue and slander.
Responsibility: Unconditional fulfillment of commitments and a drive to achieve more.
Courage: Taking leadership in challenging situations and leading by own example.
Discipline: Strict implementation of adopted decisions and adherence to deadlines.

Faces of Hayaqve
